
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Maths on your mind?

This week I have been doing Strategy work.I learn that  profits mean money  and that when I divide a  big number like 123 and that has really tricky to do that,so I just used a calculate.

Next time,I need to tell Whaea that I didn't understand how to solve one of the problems (I deleted the  page)and that it was very tricky.We should do decimals next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlee, I really love this strategy work you have worked on. Well done for your success. You are successfully explaining how you solve these problems. Three things I want you to know. 1 profit means money that has been made, not people. 2 one week and two days (if meaning weekdays of Mon - Friday) is 7 days in total, not 5. And lastly, it would have been amazing if you talked about how you knew to take 5 of instead of 1. Keep up the good maths work. You are a champion.


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