WALT: We are learning to use describing words in te reo maori.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Te Reo Maori.Te Roopu Toroa.
WALT: E ako ana ahau ki nga kupu tuahua i roto i te reo maori.
WALT: We are learning to use describing words in te reo maori.
WALT: We are learning to use describing words in te reo maori.
Te Reo Maori
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Taonga Tuku Iho
In the middle of term 3, the year 7's had technology after the year 8's and the assignment this term was to create a taonga and explain what a taonga is and how do people wear taonga. We had to create a slideshow that shows what our understanding of a taonga is. Here is my slideshow.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Waitangi Script.
Last term, we went to waitangi to create a script that explain our understanding of Matariki and here it is.....
When Mermaids Cry...
Kia Ora, here is a a quick quiz that I was tested on about When Mermaids Cry and here is is...
Quick Quiz : When Mermaids Cry.
- The issue in the text is that the levels of plastic are growing each year from 2012 to 2015 and the dump is not throwing away there rubbish which makes that a
- The cause of this issue is that people are getting attracted to plastic too much and rubbish is visible to everyone and where the rubbish comes from.
- The effect of this issue is that the pollution is damaging the earth.
- People are still using plastic because they are attracted to plastic.
Te Reo Maori Test.
Here is our Te Reo Maori test that test us on our knowledge of our Reo. Do you reckon that you can get 110 out of 110, see if you can... Here it is.....
Mea nei o mahi kainga mo te reo
Test your skills on how many of these sentences you remember.
Whakapakehatia enei o nga rarangi korero
Translate into english the following sentences
Haere mai (Welcome or come)
- Haere mai ki te kai.
- Haere mai ki konei.
- Haere mai e noho.
- Haere mai whakarongo.
- Haere mai tamariki ma.
- Haere mai e tama.
- Haere mai e ko.
- Haere mai e nga manuhiri.
- Haere mai e nga kaiako.
- Haere mai e hoa ma.
Whakamaoritia enei o nga rarangi korero
Translate into Maori the following sentences
e.g. Come to the game- Haere mai ki te kemu
- Come to the school.
- Come to the pool.
- Come to the library.
- Come to the movies.
- Come to the marae.
- Come to the birthday.
- Come to the wedding.
- Come to the office.
I roto i te reo maori - Add ‘te’ to the following sentences
- The book
- The chair
- The school
- The man
- The woman
- The church
- The mountain
- The river
- The boat
- The house
I roto i te reo maori Add ‘nga’ to the following sentences
e.g. The computers - Nga rorohiko
- The houses
- The cars
- The animals
- The fences
- The schools
- The children
- The flowers
- The trees
- The birds
- The kits
Add ‘te, me and nga’ to the following sentences
Korerohia nga kupu kia tika ki enei o nga rarangi korero, te, me nga.
E.g. The knife and spoon - Te naihi me te pune.
The knives and the spoons - Nga naihi me nga pune.
- The book and the paper
- The tables and the chairs
- The door and the windows
- The teacher and the students.
- The kit and the seafood
- The elderly man and the elderly woman
- The doctor and the patient
- The mother and the baby
- The rugby player and the people
- The moon and the stars.
He aha (What is)?
Whakapakehatia enei o nga rarangi korero
- He aha tenei?
- He aha tena?
- He aha tera?
- He aha te paipera?
- He aha te kaupapa?
- He aha te tikanga?
- He aha te wa?
- He aha te korero?
- He aha tena kai?
- He aha to mahi?
Whakapakehatia enei korero
‘Kei hea?’ (Where is) e.g. Kei hea te hoiho? Where is the horse
- Kei hea te naihi?
- Kei hea te pune?
- Kei hea te marae?
- Kei hea te kete?
- Kei hea te huarahi?
- Kei hea te rori?
- Kei hea te paraoa?
- Kei hea te puna?
- Kei hea te tumuaki?
- Kei hea te Hahi Katorika?
Whakamaoritia enei rarangi Korero
E.g. Where is the teacher - Kei hea te kaiako?
- Where is the school?
- Where is the bus?
- Where is the hen?
- Where is the dog?
- Where is the library?
- Where is the swimming pool?
- Where is the rugby field?
- Where is the marae?
- Where is the river?
- Where is the boat?
My Maths Knowledge...
Yesterday, I was learning about equal addition and compensation strategy and we had to create a slideshow to show our understanding and here it is..
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Around the world statistics.
Kia Ora everybody, today I have been learning how to use google earth to fly to different world cities and find out their population. Also, I have been learning how to collect their data of population and copy it on to a google sheet and learn how to insert it to make it become a bar graph. Here is the bar graph that I have created.
Monday, August 6, 2018
A few weeks ago, we were learning about cockroaches and the important things about them. So, what we had to do was make a poster to design the important things about them and here is my poster.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Robo Pa Photos.

Elements of a Story.
A few weeks a ago, we were learning about the elements of a story of Cinderella but first we had to ready the story to get a better understanding of what the elements might be. Then, we had to create a slideshow to show our understanding of the elements and also what the elements are in the story Cinderella.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
My Weekly Goals.
This week, we have been doing our weekly learning goals. Our weekly goals are our Maths goals, Writing goals, Reading goals and our tumaia goals. Here are my weekly goals.
Robo pa.
At the end of term 2, room 4 and room 5 were asked to attend a activity that involved building robots and working as a team. Also, at the start of term 3, we had to make a slideshow to show what we did, how we got our name and also how to get the most points. Our group name was Te hikopiko and here is our slideshow.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
My learning..
Yesterday, we had to create a slide show about what we learnt yesterday. I learnt about typing club. If you want to look at what I did yesterday, look at the slide show below.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Writing goals!!
Today is the first day back at school and my goals are the first thing that I am going to post for term 3 2018. Here is my writing goals for this week and I will be adding more goals through out the term.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
At Kohewhata marae.
WALT: organise and follow the structure of a recount. Today, I have written a piece of writing about going to Kohewhata marae. Also this is a piece of writing that is talking about how I felt about going to the marae.
Our Marae Noho
Last rainy Thursday the 21/06/2018, the library was crowded with rooms 3,4,5 ready to go on our marae
noho and everybody was buzzing well they were waiting for the buses.
"Etu” Jono called, as we were sitting with excitement. We all stood up and Jono followed that with
“whakapiri o koutou ringa ringa, piki o koutou matinga, kapi o koutou kanohi, me inoi tatou”.
We all began to say the karakia and as we finished we had himene, mihi tuatahi, waiata and mihi tuarua
which is taumata at Tautoro school.We finally got into the bus and took our seats. I looked to the right
and then looked to the right and there was a nice and comfy chairs, with soft and relaxed arm rests.
noho and everybody was buzzing well they were waiting for the buses.
"Etu” Jono called, as we were sitting with excitement. We all stood up and Jono followed that with
“whakapiri o koutou ringa ringa, piki o koutou matinga, kapi o koutou kanohi, me inoi tatou”.
We all began to say the karakia and as we finished we had himene, mihi tuatahi, waiata and mihi tuarua
which is taumata at Tautoro school.We finally got into the bus and took our seats. I looked to the right
and then looked to the right and there was a nice and comfy chairs, with soft and relaxed arm rests.
It has already been a few minutes and we had already made it to the marae but it felt like it was seconds to
get there. We put our bags into the wharkai and lined up to get ready as whaea Mary gave us a powhiri
outside the marae by the front gate. We all entered the marae and Matua Wikitoria was standing there
waiting for us to come in and start the karakia and mihi and waiata and then it was our turn to say the
mihi and waitata and the first song that we had sung was Te po. We finished that song and
Matua Matt stood up to say a mihi and then we sang Tiaho mai ra. We finished and we got straight into
our activities with the groups that had been put into.
get there. We put our bags into the wharkai and lined up to get ready as whaea Mary gave us a powhiri
outside the marae by the front gate. We all entered the marae and Matua Wikitoria was standing there
waiting for us to come in and start the karakia and mihi and waiata and then it was our turn to say the
mihi and waitata and the first song that we had sung was Te po. We finished that song and
Matua Matt stood up to say a mihi and then we sang Tiaho mai ra. We finished and we got straight into
our activities with the groups that had been put into.
The activities were making koauau flutes, inprenting, waving, tukutuku panels and looking for the stars.
The first activity group 2 did was make koauau flutes out of white clay. We started to make them and got
straight into it as soon as everybody left the room that we were is. The directions that was had to follow was:
The first activity group 2 did was make koauau flutes out of white clay. We started to make them and got
straight into it as soon as everybody left the room that we were is. The directions that was had to follow was:
- Play with the clay for a little bit, so that it is easier to make.
- Make the clay into a cylinder shape.
- Place a whole on top of the shape.
- Make the whole as deep as you can.
- Put to holes on the side.
- Make designs on it.
We finished going all of those direction and moved onto the next activity.
We moved on to the next on which was weaving but I wouldn’t go into more detail because it was the longest
one that I had done, but I can tell you that the weaving that we did was AMAZING trust me.
There were more activities but I can't remember them but I can remember that we had a nice dinner.
(This is not completed
one that I had done, but I can tell you that the weaving that we did was AMAZING trust me.
There were more activities but I can't remember them but I can remember that we had a nice dinner.
(This is not completed
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
WALT: learn how to spell and write the meaning of the word.
Sparrow- a small finch like Old World bird related to the weaver birds.
Swallow- to allow something to go down your throat.
Valley- a low area between hills and mountains.
Valleys- a low area between hills and mountains.
Village- a village is a grouped together human settlement or community,
larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town, with a population ranging
from a few hundred to a few thousand.
larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town, with a population ranging
from a few hundred to a few thousand.
Cabbage- a green plant that is eaten as a vegetable.
Carrot- a orange root that is eaten as a vegetable.
Gallop- the fastest pace of a horse.
Ought- used to indicate duty.
Bought- obtain in exchange for payment.
Thought- an idea or something that you are thinking about
Ragged- old and torn.
Scatter- throw across.
Brass- yellow cooper.
Have you done animation before.
Today, I am going to share a video of a draft that I have done for animation.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Shared reading
Today we have been doing shared reading and learning the difference between their, there and they're. I am going to show you a draft of what we did.
WALT: Recognise the appropriate use for words.
There- Over there
- Is there a elephant over there
- There was enough soup for everyone
- Is there a play?
They’re- They are
- Wait until they’re gone
- They’re being chased
- They’re going for a holiday
Their- Belonging to….
- I saw their cute dog
- The officers shook their heads in excitement
- In the future, their going to be brainy
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