
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Maths Stands Work

WALT:Use these strategies in our work and to figure out the answer.Hope you enjoy....

GAFE poster.

WALT-Write down a GAFE poster.

How to post a PREPORE posting comment.

WALT-Write down what OREO means in commenting.

W.A.L.T: read maori words and say them so that I understand.

Tense markers

I  (past tense)

Ka ( Future tense)

E kupumahi ana pronoun     ( Present tense)

I au ahau
You koe
Ia he/she
Mawa me+person
Kourua you+1
Raua those two
Taua us two
Matou me+2 people
Kautou you+2 people
Ratau you3+
Tatou katoua
Tatou all of us

If you are think are there some Rules to Rippa??While then here they are.

WALT:Write down all the Rippa rules that you can think of.

  1. You aren't allowed to spin when you have the ball
  2. You aren't allowed to pass the ball forward
  3. you're not allowed to do a washing machine
  4. There are only allowed to be 13 players on the field
  5. You’re not allowed to have your tags on te inside of your shirt
  6. You're not allowed to run with one tag
  7. You must be on your side if the other team has the ball
  8. You’re not allowed to have both of your tags on the same side
  9. There is no cheating on the field
  10. You are not allowed to be on the wrong side of the field
  11. If you go on the outside of the field you must  pass the ball to the other team
  12. If you have the ball and you get ripped you can do three more steps
  13. If you have too many people on the field you will be called of the field
  14. You are not allowed to swear at the other team when you are on the field
  15. You can’t make the other team play from where you lost the ball
  16. A game is made up of two halves.
  17. The rule is that each half lasts for 20 minutes, with a two- minute interval at halftime.
  18. The for the game is to score a try by grounding the ball behind or on the opponents’ try line.
  19. If you get a try is worth five points.
  20. You aren’t allowed to answer back to the coach

Tupou 1.

WALT:To design a Tupou poster.

Monday, April 10, 2017

E hara

WALT-Write down the waiata E Hara.

Aue te Aroha

WALT-Memrise the words.

The first time I horde this song I was shocked because it was COOL and It was BEAUTIFUL.I think that once you read this you would think the same as me.Hope you enjoy...

Aue te Aroha 2x

Ka rere atu au taku reo powhiri
Nau mai,haere mai.
Ko te kura Tautoro e mihi atu
Nei,kia koutou
Piki mai,kake mai
Homai te wairoa,kia matou
Tihei Mauri,mauri ora,e nga
Iwi e.

Aue te aroha 4x


WALT-Learn how to say and read what a mihi is.

Ko te mea tuatahi me mihi ki tā tātou Matua-nui-i-te-Rangi.
Nāna te tīmatanga me te mutunga o ngā mea katoa.

Ka tu ahau ki te tautoko te kai himene me te kai karakia.
Tēnā kōurua
Nā korua i whakawātea te huarahi mō tēnei rā.
Nō reira tēna kōrua.

Ka huri ahau kia koutou, nō reira, nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai
Ki raro i ngā maunga o Tautoro me Tauānui.
Ko te roto, ko Kereru.
Ko te awa tere nei, ko Pūnākitere.
Ko te waka, ko Mahuhu Ki Te Rangi.
Ko te marae, ko Te Riing.
Ko ngā hapu ko Ngāti Rangi, me Ngāti Moerewa.
Nō reira haere mai whakatau mai ra.

Ko ahau e tu atu nei

Ko Ngaria raua ko Eugen oku tupuna
Ko Winstone raua ko mavis oku matua
Ko Charlee ahua.

No reira tena koutou tena koutou

WALT-create a Bully-free environment.

Ideal Sustainable gardening.

WALT-Write what YOU  think you is good for your garden.

..My Ideal Sustainable Garden..

This term the boys and girls of Rm4 will be competing in a garden competition.

The rules are simple

  1. Produce an edible garden that is sustainable for the whole year.

This means that each group must……
  • Plante seasonally
  • Maintain healthy soil
  • Produce healthy organic plants.
  • Maintain and gather food throughout the year.

..What does Organic gardening mean..

Organic means you won't be using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, but that doesn't mean your plants are left to fend for themselves. There are an array of tools you can use to bolster plant health and ward off pests.

..What does this mean for our gardening..

Know modern man-made synthetic fertilizers.
  1. Cow/Sheep/Horse and Chicken poo
  2. Veggies,fruit and food scraps.
  3. Kina shells,tlua of paua,seaweed,fish frames+heads in water.

Comfrey tea (leaves in water)

..Know insecticides/Poisons..
Open ...
How do we attract the bees?
To make a bee bath, take a wide, shallow dish or tray and line the edges with flat rocks. Pour water over the rocks and into the bottom of the tray. Place it in your garden near the flowers that attract the most bees. The bees will be able to land on the rocks and access the water.
How do we get rid of insects pest?
From flypaper to flytraps, there are simple no-chemical ways to get rid of pesky flies. Maybe a bag of water might even keep them from ever coming into your Garden!!

NZ plants (Veggies)

Growing time
Our vegetables need to be ready for PUANGA. (Matariki)
Sturdy vegetable plants-Rain, drop in temperature, lack of sun, frost

Find the plants suitable for your garden.

Design a vegetable garden plan.

..What we learnt and did in the garden and info..

Today in the garden we learnt how to use a fork
because of worms. If you use a shovel and you see a worm then you will cut in in half but if you use a fork then it won't  because it has whooles.


WALT-Write what you see in the photo in maori.

Pre-assessment 2, Term 1 2017.
WALT: describe any given scene using te reo Maori sentence structures.

Activity: Look at this picture and describe what you see using te reo Maori.

Remember: To use our Maori dictionary and insert the macron over the long vowels.

Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 4.04.39 pm.png

Toko hia nga.(How many )
Tok hia nga Whare.
Toko hia nga rakau.
Toko hia nga Tama.
Toko hia nga Tamariki.
Toko hia nga Kotero.
Toko hia nga Taputapu.

Kei a wai.(Who has the )

Kei a wai te  tokena
Kei a wai te tihate
Kei a wai te  kakariki tihate
Kei a wai te  panekoti

Kei hea.(Where is)

Kei hea nga kotero
Kei hea nga whare
Kei hea nga tamariki
Kei hea nga tama

Debbies strom.

WALT-Write down when debbies strom was and how you felt.

Basic Rudiments of Music.

WALT-Write the Basics of music beats and notes.

Ki O Ra hi RULES!!!!

WALT-Write down as much of Ki O Ra hi RULES!

  1. No running outside of te Ao
  2. No running with one tag
  3. No running in the Roto with the ball
  4. You can’t run in Pawero
  5. You can’t shoot the tupu in te ao.
  6. You can’t start if te marama don’t throw the ball in.
  7. If you get one tag ripped off then you pass it to your teammate.
  8. If you get two tags ripped it’s straight handover.
  9. No throwing the ball at each other
  10. No pushing each other
  11. If you're in with the bin you ain’t allowed to leave te wairua
  12. No tackling
  13. No hitting
  14. No blocking your tags
  15. No shaven
  16. No being smart
  17. No put downs

Persusavie writting.

WALT-write a presusavie writing by our self.


Should we wear uniforms at Tautoro school.


  1. Reduce the cost if you pay for a one off initiation uniform fee.
  2. Because you have bought a uniform you don’t  you have to keep up with the clothing/shoes trends,Trying to be cool.
  3. Because you are wearing a uniform no one will bully you for your uniform.
  4. Wearing a uniform gives you a sense that you belong to the school.
  5. Safety you can see your school when you are on a trip.

Did you know that if you wore a Uniform it could eventually save your life.That is why I think we should have Uniforms at Tautoro school.

I think if we wore our school Uniforms,it would reduce costs for our family,It stops trend bullying,It stops bullying,You create a sense of togetherness  at school and Lastly a Uniform can save your life.

Firstly,I believe Uniforms help to reduce living costs for Family.For example,It can reduce cost because you only Have to buy 1 pair of clothing  because uniforms have to worn everyday you come to school and you represent your school.It can save you money.You can save money  if you have a uniform.You only have to buy a uniform if you lose your Uniform or if it breaks.You don’t have to keep on buying cloths if your kid bother you.You have not realised that your bank will be empty the day you get your money.

Secondly, believe if you have to wear a uniform you are not wasting money in your kids to buy clothes.When you waste money on kids to buy cloths,doesn’t it bother you when your kids beg you for more and more clothes?

Thirdly,I think we should wear uniforms so people can stop pulling and stealing your clothes.People think that you they can just come up to you and still your clothes and your shoes,but guess what they can’t.If someone walks up to you and tries to steal your clothes,you either tell and teacher or run away from them and tell a teacher.

Fourthly,i think that wearing a uniform can make you look like you belong to your school,so imagine you not wearing a uniform and people thinking you don’t belong to the school.

Lastly,i think wearing a uniform can keep you safe.When people bully your Adidas shoes and would you get angry or tell you mum and dad.But when you are wearing a uniform you wouldn't get bullied.


WALT-To say what is good in our garden and what isn't.

..Organic Sustainable Garden..

*Flowers and Bees.

Companion Planting

  1. Frost/long lasting resistant.
  2. Seasonal planting
  3. Sturdy plants.

Image result for marigold
Marigolds are easy to grow and they help keep pests _________.

Lupins can attract the bees and sunflowers.Image result for lupin flower

Image result for sun flowers

-No man made chemicals
Made soil


  1. Sheep
  2. Horse
  3. Chicken

Feeding your garden:
  1. Compost

  1. Cardboard
  2. News paper
  3. Leaves
  4. Food scraps

table scraps
add with dry carbon items
fruit & vegetable scraps
add with dry carbon items
best when crushed
leaves break down faster when shredded
grass clippings
add in thin layers so they don't mat into clumps
garden plants
use disease-free plants only
lawn & garden weeds
only use weeds which have not gone to seed
shrub prunings
woody prunings are slow to break down
straw or hay
straw is best; hay (with seeds) is less ideal
green comfrey leaves
excellent compost 'activator'
pine needles
acidic; use in moderate amounts
flowers, cuttings
chop up any long woody stems
seaweed and kelp
apply in thin layers; good source for trace minerals
wood ash
only use ash from clean materials; sprinkle lightly
chicken manure
excellent compost 'activator'
coffee grounds
filters may also be included
tea leaves
loose or in bags
avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
shredded paper
avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
shred material to avoid matting
corn cobs, stalks
slow to decompose; best if chopped up
dryer lint
best if from natural fibers
sawdust pellets
high carbon levels; add in layers to avoid clumping
wood chips / pellets
high carbon levels; use sparingly

table scraps
add with dry carbon items
fruit & vegetable scraps
add with dry carbon items
best when crushed
leaves break down faster when shredded
grass clippings
add in thin layers so they don't mat into clumps
garden plants
use disease-free plants only
lawn & garden weeds
only use weeds which have not gone to seed
shrub prunings
woody prunings are slow to break down
straw or hay
straw is best; hay (with seeds) is less ideal
green comfrey leaves
excellent compost 'activator'
pine needles
acidic; use in moderate amounts
flowers, cuttings
chop up any long woody stems
seaweed and kelp
apply in thin layers; good source for trace minerals
wood ash
only use ash from clean materials; sprinkle lightly
chicken manure
excellent compost 'activator'
coffee grounds
filters may also be included
tea leaves
loose or in bags
avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
shredded paper
avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
shred material to avoid matting
corn cobs, stalks
slow to decompose; best if chopped up
dryer lint
best if from natural fibers
sawdust pellets
high carbon levels; add in layers to avoid clumping
wood chips / pellets
high carbon levels; use sparingly

  1. Meat
  2. Cheese.